Truman leaves a voting booth
the day of the 1948 elections.

Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.
--Harry S Truman, August 8, 1950
The 33rd President of the United States also said that the voting booth is the most valuable piece of real estate in the nation, and that if it is sold then likely the nation will cease to exist.
It is unfortunate that underhanded events have happened in several of the nation's campaigns over time. Even if it yielded a win for the perpetrators, the behavior of an administration during a term would demonstrate whether they would win a subsequent election.
For most parts of the nation this has been the safety net, because the citizens and politicians have given the voting booth, the polling place and the a ballot box a near sacred status.
Throughout history candidates have simply encouraged people to vote, even without telling followers to vote specifically for them, knowing that the secret ballot with one vote per person has been the single most important right of a US citizen. In many ways it is what defines a US citizen as different from being a member of any other country.
During the 2000 national elections questions arose over which candidate won. As it turned out, even the side that won admits that the number of popular votes went to the opposition. But from the supreme court, wherein no one in the majority decision would put their name to a majority opinion, came a faceless decision in a 5 to 4 vote. (The dissenters, however had no fear of writing an opinion.)
While we have questioned the Electoral College many times as the process for deciding presidential elections during the past couple centuries, in 2000 we accepted the results of the vote as a matter of faith. This faith was held with the assumption and assumed knowledge that in four years we'd have another chance to cast our ballots.
We knew that in four years, as in every other election cycle, that if there were problems or if there was an opportunity to change the management of this nation for the better, we the electorate would be able to cast our ballots as we always have and know that the wisdom of a majority would be respected as each ballot would be given equal weight, equal importance and respected as a revered right.
In this nation we don't tamper with the US Mail, because it is a "Federal Offence" an important common knowledge that is a combination of mutual respect and security. Similarly, there is not a preponderance of counterfeiting of currency - even though today's design and printing technology would make attempts much easier.
So it has been with voting and the ballot box. Neighbors have respected each other when they knew a difference in political leanings, and if they wished to keep that difference confidential it was another form of mutual respect maintained by the voting booth and the secret ballot.
As this country has grown, history has corrected election improprieties in various regions. In most areas they serve as reminders that systems in this democracy work.
Following the flame of principle established by the nation's founding documents state, "...all men are created equal," the Voting Rights Act of 1965 with its subsequent revisions recognized that the last single descriptor of being a citizen -- the thing that makes one whole, to make all citizens whole -- was the unalienable right to vote without being impeded and with no differentiating qualification.
It was as if to say, "even if we can't help everyone's economic plight, even if we can't correct all social injustice, even if opportunities are not always equal, the single most important thing we can do is assure the right to vote to all, and protect that right by making the result of the plebiscite elective self expression so important that it is untouchable, and to do otherwise unthinkable."
I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money-power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed
------Abraham Lincoln
With days remaining before the next election, verified reports are emerging of tampering with voter registrations, ballots, the disposition of absentee ballots and challenging individual electors using or manufacturing false information about them.
THIS IS NOT A PARTISAN RANT! These are actions that should be abhorred equally by both sides, for the devaluation of one vote diminishes the rights of all, and threatens subsequent elections. While it is becoming apparent that one side is perpetrating these acts against fellow citizens, one would think the questions that arose over the last election would have current leaders being extra diligent at avoiding even the appearance of impropriety.
With current actions showing a blatant disregard for the rights of fellow American citizens, the basic principles of logic confirm the likelihood that the discrepancies in question during the last election were purposely executed. Now we have come to believe that all find the act of voting, and the handling of ballots as near sacred, while those who don't are taking advantage and manipulating the outcome.
Here are some examples:
- With voting underway in Florida, eyes turn that way as a list of felons developed to disallow voters was not being released. During the 2000 election, a similar list was developed and included thousands of names of people who had no prison or police record, preventing those named on the list from their right to vote.
Click: The Herald Tribune
- A campaign headquarters document in Florida outlines a plan to disrupt voting in certain districts.
Click: BBC News: Florida vote scandal feared
- Not all concerns are taking place in the south. In an effort to limit the number of newly registered voters from actually casting ballots, Milwaukee County official refused to print the estimated 260,000 ballots requested by city officials.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
- This initial glitch was resolved after the Mayor, the Governor and the attorney general joined the debate, and Milwaukee County will now print the extra ballots required.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
The latest hassle facing voters in the area include absentee ballots which come with a stamped self addressed envelope. But by accident one of the remote voters had the post office check to see if there was enough postage. Most voters will assume that the 37 cent stamp supplied is adequate to get their vote to their home polls. After checking, it turns out the return ballot need additional postage to bring the amount up to 60 cents for the USPS to deliver the ballot to where they can be counted.
-Journal Sentinel - Wrong postage is latest absentee ballot concern
- In Nevada, an organization promoted registration of voters, but subsequently discarded all the registrations affiliated with one of the parties keeping people who thought they had registered from being allowed to vote.
Constitution Center
- Back to Florida, where today, 58,000 absentee ballots were misplaced in transit to Tallahassee
Local Channel 10
- And Ohio has started with a variety of voter concerns, perpetuated by officials who are to serve all of the electorate.
Columbus Free Press
- Along with blatant devaluation of ballots, redistricting and simple but purposed changing of voting locations, votes are being accepted and denied randomly along with provisional ballots that allow people to be pacified but confused until the judiciary in one sweep destroys all pertinent ballots (as they have done in several areas) rendering thousands of ballots invalid, and sweeping away the common thread that makes all of those individuals citizens.
AP - The wrong polling place
And there are more being reported daily.
But everyone, no matter what their affiliation should be infuriated by those who would use a single ill-gotten vote to their advantage, let alone hundreds of thousands.
With friends in both political parties, I know no one who in good conscience would condone such behavior. Members of both parties whom I know believe in decency and a sense of fair play. They know and believe that even if they disagree with the opposition's plans that their vote is just as important as everyone else's, and respect an honestly represented true majority. They also know that after an interval of time they will have the opportunity again to cast votes in a scenario that celebrates the differences, debate, discourse and trusts
They understand that the ballot box and the voting booth is one of the freedoms that people through our nation's history have fought, sacrificed and died for, insuring that this little experiment in self government succeeds to be enhanced by the next generation.
Until recently we looked with some condescension on other countries that required independent international observers in order to insure a fair election. When watching reports about those countries, we thought of ourselves as being beyond that with systems that worked and a society that was civil and conducted fair elections. But now it would be as if we were looking in a mirror.
Best to all,
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